Sep 22, 2011

This Sunday, September 25th is the National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims in America. This federal recognition resulted from the efforts of Parents of Murder Victims (POMC) & others (including MCVRC) to acknowledge the ones taken from us by the criminal choices of others. POMC was founded by Charlotte & Roberta Hullinger in Cincinnati, Ohio when their daughter, Lisa was murdered. In the past, MCVRC has partnered with them on national events.

Please take a moment this Sunday to say a name, a prayer of remembrance and remind the world of those who have undeservedly suffered the consequences of criminal violence. This coming Tuesday at support group will take a few minutes to share in remembering all homicide victims and their families and friends.

Thank you,

Founder/Board Chair

Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center
1001 Prince George’s Blvd, Ste 750
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Ph: 301-952-0063

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Maryland Charity Campaign 1212
United Way of Central Maryland 5442
United Way of the National Capital Area 9325